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Paris CDG

For flights departing in more than 48hours, please consult our Air Austral Schedules


Any time within the 24-hour period prior to the departure of all your flights

Have all travel documents ready with you : electronic ticket, passport

Consult your travel data, change dates of flights, personal data, seats...


Disability assistance

Air Austral assists you throughout your journey. Booking, dedicated services, airport, aircraft... all information to help you crossing the airport as simply as possible.

The right service

During booking let us know how we can help you.

It's advised to prepare your journey in advance to be sure that the assistance you need is available.

For safety and operational reasons, the number of travellers with a disability can be limited on some aircrafts. It depends on the type of aircraft and the kind of disability too.

Help us to provide you the most appropriate service

Let us know your needs, at least 7 days and at the lastest 48h before your flight departure : 0825 013 012 (0.15€TTC/min).

Specify your needs in order to enable our staff to confirm you the availibility of necessary means to ensure of your comfort and health during your travel : feel free to give us as much details as possible.

Mobility equipment : before your travel, make sure that your equipment is insured by your travel insurance.



European Union : airport authority responsibility

Since july 28th 2008, it is the responsibility of the airport operators to assist any traveller with a disability since his arrival at the airport, at a designated point, up to his seat aboard the aircraft.

It concerns all causes of disability : age, impairment, intellectual disability,...

This assistance is free of charge for the traveller.

Air Austral should provide the airport operator with advance information so that the appropriate service can be offered.To enable Air Austral agents to pass your request to them, please contact us 48 hours in advance.

This time limit is the minimum required to enable us to inform the airport operator and confirm availability of appropriate means.

*All inclusive - From - LS : Low season / HS : high saison - OW : One way. Subject to availibility. Fares may increase without prior notification.

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